Hang Dry Week

Mon Aug 19 to Sun Aug 25all day event

August 19th-25th is our 6th annual Hang Dry WeekOur celebration event will be on the 25th at the Hawthorne Street Fair, but you can participate all week! Check out these opportunites to "hang" out.

Webinar on Ventless Washer Dryer Combos - Convenience and Efficiency August 21st - Learn about efficient dryers with Electrify Now - watch the video on heat pump dryers here and join the upcoming webinar here.

Amazing artwork celebrating the original form of solar energy - hang drying! We have lots of great artwork, images, flyers and social media posts to celebrate and encourage the overlooked, energy saving practice of hang drying this year. Get creative and make your own hang dry art.

Hang Drying Laundry Pictures and Videos - As usual, we're encouraging everyone to try hang drying and take a picture of solar drying laundry and post it on Instagram to #hangdryweek and tag us @hangdryweek.

This year we'll also be having a little fun and encouraging users to post a video showing how many articles of clothing they can hang in one minute. Anyone who participates will be entered to win prizes donated by Australian company Daytek who specializes in line drying equipment.

Celebration Event on August 25th - We are celebrating the finale at Hawthorne Street Fair! Connect with us at the Solar Oregon table at the fair and compete in Hang Dry Olympics. Hang Dry Olympics participants with have an opportunity to win prizes donated by Spin Laundry Lounge, Portland's eco-focused laundry experience.

Educational Resources - Check out these educational resources to learn how and why to hang dry.

Sponsoring organization(s): Solar Oregon & more
Solution Area:
Adaptation & Resilience
Climate Justice
Finance & Economy
Food & Agriculture
Governance & Leadership
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Land Use & Restoration
Mental Health & Mindfulness
Public Health
Renewable Energy
Storytelling & Art
Tribal & Indigenous
Waste Prevention
Listing created Aug 10, 2024