Regeneration popup

There’s no shortage of climate solutions

Type: General
Solution Areas: Adaptation & Resilience

Now is the time to take action. Luckily, we have a ton of options. Drawdown and Regeneration both have amazing climate solutions libraries. Become familiar with them. Amazing.

Drawdown Climate Solutions Library

Scientific analysis shows that the world can reach drawdown—the point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline—by mid-century if we make the best use of all existing climate solutions. Each solution presented here reduces greenhouse gases by avoiding emissions and/or by sequestering carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere.

Regeneration Solutions Library

Regeneration is a comprehensive approach to the climate crisis, one that weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, and human dignity into a tapestry of action, policy, and transformation that can end the climate crisis in one generation.

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Oregon Climate Action Hub Logo

Oregon Climate Action Hub

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