Every job is a climate job

Check out climate jobs boards

Type: Hybrid
Category: Full-time
Solution Areas: Adaptation & Resilience Art & Storytelling Climate-justice Education Electrification Finance & Economy Food & Agriculture Forests Governance & Leadership Inflation-reduction-act Land-use & Restoration Mental-health & Mindfulness Public-health Transportation Tribal & Indigenous Waste-prevention Youth
Regions: State Wide

More information

First, remember that as Jamie Alexander puts it, “no matter where we work, every job is a climate job now!”

If you’re already in a line of work that is a good fit for you…but you want to bring your climate commitment to the fore…check out the Drawdown Labs Climate Solutions at Work publication for some guidance on how to do just that.

Also — https://workonclimate.org/ and https://www.workforclimate.org/. Go there, and there.

And if you think you need a new gig, check out some local climate jobs listings here:

Good luck.

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Oregon Climate Action Hub

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